Enough background info, let's get into the technical steps. Here's a high-level overview of the process to get your range up and running:
- Clone the project locally from Github
- Install dependencies
- Deploy your range using the
CLI - Validate the new range by performing the "Functions Check"
- Use
to cleanup and reset the environment - Itterate and learn!
Installing Dependencies
Let's kick the process off by installing the required software for your host platform!
A simple and unified user experience is our goal, so we're working to build the dependency installation process into the Station Control CLI, stay tuned. More on stationctl
in a bit!
We have used macOS for the lion's share of the development and testing of the project (and currently provides the most validated experience).
- Ensure you have the Homebrew package manager, which is used for all subsequent installs
- Update your new brew install by running: $
brew update
- Install Virtualbox: $
brew install --cask virtualbox
(password entry required) - In order to continue, you must allow these changes in macOS security preferences
- After the prompted reboot, you're ready to continue the install process!
- Install Vagrant: $
brew install --cask vagrant
- Install Git: $
brew install git
- Install Vagrant plugins: $
vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize vagrant-vbguest
The Chocolatey package manager is the recommended method for Windows10 installation. Get this requirement first, and then use for all following steps.
- Install Git: PS>
choco install -y git
- Launch the "Git Bash" terminal emulator and "Run as administrator"
- Use this new Git Bash terminal to perform the below steps
- Install Virtualbox: PS>
choco install -y virtualbox
- Install Vagrant: PS>
choco install -y vagrant
- When politely asked to, reboot your machine!
- Install Vagrant plugins: PS>
vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize vagrant-vbguest
Note: Vagrant requires a restart as part of the installation!.
This section assumes that you're using a fully updated Centos 7 box. All listed are run from a root shell (sudo -s
- Install requirements
yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools" yum install -y \ kernel-devel \ kernel-devel-3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64 \ epel-release \ yum install -y git
- VirtualBox:
a. add repo file:
curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualbox.repo
b. import key:rpm --import
c. install:yum install -y VirtualBox-6.0
d. grant permissions:sudo usermod -aG vboxusers "$(whoami)"
- Vagrant:
a. install:
yum install -y
b. install required plugins:vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize vagrant-vbguest
This section assumes that you're using a fully updated Fedora 33 box. All listed are run from a root shell (sudo -s
- Install requirements
sudo dnf install -y \ binutils \ gcc \ make \ patch \ libgomp \ glibc-headers \ glibc-devel \ kernel-headers \ kernel-devel \ dkms \ qt5-qtx11extras \ libxkbcommon \ rpmrebuild
- VirtualBox:
a. Add repo file:curl -o ~/VirtualBox-6.1-6.1.16_140961_fedora32-1.x86_64.rpm
b. Rebuild for Fedora:rpmrebuild --change-spec-preamble='sed -e "s/6.1.16_140961_fedora32/6.1.16_140961_fedora33/"' --change-spec-requires='sed -e "s/python(abi) = 3.8/python(abi) >= 3.8/"' --package VirtualBox-6.1-6.1.16_140961_fedora32-1.x86_64.rpm
c. Install package:dnf install -y ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/VirtualBox-6.1-6.1.16_140961_fedora33-1.x86_64.rpm
d. Grant permissions:sudo usermod -aG vboxusers "$(whoami)"
- Vagrant:
a. Install package:dnf install -y
b. Install required plugins:vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize vagrant-vbguest
If you don't see your OS flavor listed, please consider contributing!
Getting the Project
Now that you have all the requirements installed, it's time to clone the project code locally:
- Change directories into wherever you prefer the repo to be. For example: $
cd ~/code
- Clone the repo: $
git clone
- Move into the new project folder, and more specifically the "vagrant" dir: $
cd thremulation-station/vagrant
The next page will cover deploying your VM range.